Cardea supported the Hepatitis Education Project (HEP) in the development of the Hepatitis C Medical Case Management Toolkit: Creating and Expanding Services. The purpose of this toolkit is to support organizations that are interested in starting or expanding medical case management (MCM) services to improve outcomes for people infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Cardea also
Archives: Resources
The Influence of Child Care Health Consultants in Promoting Children’s Health and Well-being: A Report on Selected Resources
Cardea collaborated with Education Development Center to map the current landscape of child care health consultation (CCHC) services and to identify CCHCs’ impact on early care and education programs’ health and safety practices and child health outcomes. Download Additional Resources
Strengthening Sex Ed through Comprehensive Sex Ed Networks: A case study from WISE California
The purpose of this case study is to highlight the CSE network approach and how it has contributed to advancing sex ed among participating districts. It also explores the essential components of the networks, what the networks look like in different counties, and what the key resources are that are needed to start a new
South Bay Parent Sex Ed Workshop: 2017-2018
Summary of results: Cardea partnered with school districts in the South Bay to provide parent workshops on topics such as the California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA), age-appropriate sex education resources, and curriculum content.
Comprehensive Sex Ed Networks (CSEN): South Bay 2017-2018
Summary of results: Cardea coordinated Comprehensive Sexuality Education Network (CSEN) meetings for district administrators and other stakeholders through the Santa Clara and San Mateo County Offices of Education. These meetings supported adoption, delivery and sustainability of high quality sex education and supportive policies that align with the California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA).
Achieving Equitable Community Development Priorities: Roosevelt Station
Cardea supported the Roosevelt Neighborhood Association (RNA) in Seattle, Washington with documenting the story of their work to bring community-driven, transit-oriented development to their neighborhood. This case study provides context for the RNA’s history of community engagement, explores the opportunity provided by Sound Transit’s light rail expansion, documents the RNA’s approach to gathering input from
Comprehensive Sex Ed Networks One-Page Summary
Cardea coordinated 16 Comprehensive Sexual Education Network (CSEN) meetings with district administrators and other stakeholders to help them adopt, deliver, and sustain high quality sex education and policies that align with the California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA). This summary is based on feedback and evaluations from 2017 to 2018.
Parent Education Workshops: CA Comprehensive Sex Ed
Cardea partnered with school districts in the Bay Area to provide parent workshops on topics such as the California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA), age-appropriate sex education resources, and curriculum content. This summary is based on feedback from 2017 to 2018.
Shoo the Flu Process Evaluation
Summary of findings from the Shoo the Flu (StF) process evaluation, a program that brings free flu vaccines to Oakland-areas elementary school students, from 2014 to 2017.
Advancing Health Equity through Gender Affirming Health Systems
About the Guide Advance gender affirming care by applying best practices in organizational change to your health care setting. This guide details a health center’s journey through an organizational assessment process. With practical templates and facilitation guides, you can implement a similar approach in your health center. Acknowledgements Partners Cardea extends sincere thanks to the