Guiding Principles and Questions for Integrating ACE Screening and Treatment of Toxic Stress into Organizational Practice: A Systems Perspective for Community-based Clinics and Organizations

Equity, Health and Well-Being

This toolkit is guided by Cardea’s work with La Clínica de la Raza and other community-based organizations we have supported to develop their roadmap to ACE integration. The toolkit serves as a technical assistance guide synthesizing learnings, perspectives, and ultimately, providing an enduring tool to support sustainability. This toolkit provides practical steps to assist community-based

Strategic Vision for the Child Care Health Consultation System in King County

Economic Well-Being, Education, Youth, and Families

In 2023, Cardea conducted a landscape review of state and local Child Care Health Consultation (CCHC) systems, interviewed CCHC system leaders across the U.S., and engaged a Strategic Advisory Group (Advisory Group) representing public/government and community-based organizations that provide CCHC and/or early childhood services in King County and Washington State. Cardea worked in partnership with

Supporting and Engaging Families in Early Support for Infants and Toddlers services and Out-of-Home Care in King County: Findings from a Landscape Analysis

Education, Youth, and Families

In early 2021, Best Starts for Kids partnered with Cardea to conduct a landscape analysis focusing on children and families at the intersection of Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) services and the child welfare system. The purpose of this landscape analysis was to:  Assess outcomes of current models for providing ESIT services to

Best Starts for Kids Child Care Health Consultation Final Evaluation Report

Economic Well-Being, Education, Youth, and Families

Child Care Health Consultation (CCHC) is a Best Starts for Kids strategy that promotes the health, safety, and development of children and child care providers in child care settings. Child care health consultants provide culturally and linguistically responsive coaching to licensed and non-licensed child care providers across a variety of topics.  In 2019, Cardea began

Cultivating Thriving Wages in King County’s Child Care and Home-Based Services Sectors

Economic Well-Being, Education, Youth, and Families

To build momentum and expand supports for young children and their families, Best Starts for Kids is committed to addressing the pressing issue of inadequate wages and underfunding, and cultivating the conditions for child care and home visiting professionals to earn thriving wages. In late 2021, Best Starts partnered with Cardea to better understand strategies

Achieving Integrated, Coordinated Efforts to Address the STI Epidemic: Insights from Local, State, Tribal, National, and Other Key Partners and Lessons Learned from the National Infertility Prevention Project

Equity, Health and Well-Being

With the launch of the STI National Strategic Plan (STI Plan), the CDC Division of STD Prevention (Division) aims to reverse the dramatic rise in STIs in the United States by creating a roadmap for public health, government, community-based organizations, and other partners to develop, enhance, and expand STI prevention and care programs at the

The Indigenous HIV/AIDS Syndemic Strategy: Weaving Together the National HIV, STI, and Viral Hepatitis Plans

Health and Well-Being

To support the development of comprehensive solutions to end the HIV epidemic in Indian Country, Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB), alongside the Indian Health Service (IHS) National HIV Program, a 16-member Advisory Committee, and Cardea created The Indigenous HIV/AIDS Syndemic Strategy: Weaving Together the National HIV, STI, and Viral Hepatitis Plans (Syndemic Strategy).