Cardea is a national women of color-led organization. From the moment we connect, we seek to understand how you dream the world might be.

How We’ll Work Together

With every interaction, our team engages in a thoughtful conversation that begins with the historical, systemic, structural, and institutional issues that impact your work. We explore the communities and partners that are important to you, the strengths of your organization and team, and the path you envision.

We balance evidence, emerging practices, and knowledge rooted in lived experience. From there, we initiate a process of inquiry to engage, learn, and innovate, taking steps toward that dream.

Social Impact Evaluation

Policy Advancement

Capacity Development

Professional Learning

Two people at a table listening

Professional Learning and Continuing Education

Cardea offers free and low-cost opportunities to support your learning, including virtual courses and continuing education across a range of disciplines.

Andrea Caupain headshot

Working with Cardea has been a deeply enriching and purposeful journey. Through my collaborations with them, our work has been instrumental in driving positive change across communities of color and they have consistently strengthened the impact of our work that has ensured a legacy of support and empowerment for those we serve.

– Andrea Caupain Sanderson
Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director, BIPOC ED Coalition of Washington State and as Architect, Black Future Co-op Fund

Let's connect about what's important to you

Together, we’ll build a thoughtful and strategic approach from vision to implementation