Guide to Trauma-Informed Sex Education

Education, Youth, and Families, Equity

The Guide to Trauma-Informed Sex Education provides facilitators, educators, and youth-serving professionals with concrete strategies for integrating a trauma-informed approach into sex ed and pregnancy prevention programming. The guide offers background information about the prevalence and impact of trauma and its effects on the brain and behavior, and expands upon SAMHSA’s components of a trauma-informed approach: safety,

Recommendations for Expansion of Services for Children 0-5 with Mild to Moderate Concerns

Education, Youth, and Families

In the winter of 2015-2016 Cardea conducted a needs assessment to explore opportunities to improve and expand services in Alameda County and Contra Costa County for children 0 to 5 with developmental or behavioral vulnerabilities or concerns. Methods included: literature and web-based search, electronic survey of service providers, parent/caregiver focus groups and key informant interviews.

Healthy Birth Outcomes Evaluation Plan: Recommendations for Informing Program Improvement and Documenting Impact

Equity, Health and Well-Being

Cardea partnered with the YWCA Healthy Birth Outcomes (HBO) program in King County, Washington, a program designed to advance health equity by working with pregnant and parenting women to improve birth outcomes. Cardea worked with HBO to develop an evaluation plan to develop HBO’s capacity to document program successes in alignment with national metrics for

Safe Place in King County: A review of a collaboration supporting runaway and homeless youth in King County

Economic Well-Being, Education, Youth, and Families

With support from the Medina and Giddens Foundations, Cardea was engaged to conduct an independent evaluation of the first two years of Safe Place implementation in King County, using existing data collected by Safe Place program staff. Safe Place has established several primary program goals and benchmarks to evaluate the quality of services and success