Basic SUD Education The Opioids Epidemic and Women Women and SUDs Opioids & Women: Reproductive Health & MAT Signs of Misuse/Opioid Misuse Understanding Bias Using People-Friendly Language Tab 1. Basic SUD Education SUD Screening Tools Available screening tools for populations (Include Webinar ppt slide deck and table) Link to OSARs for Resources (specific to Texas)
Archives: Resources
Best Starts for Kids Child Care Health Consultation Evaluation
With support from Best Starts for Kids, Cardea conducted an evaluation of child care health consultation (CCHC), a strategy that promotes the health and development of children, families, and child care providers by ensuring healthy and safe child care environments. In 2018, BSK invested in two CCHC approaches—public health model and community-informed pilots—to leverage communities’
Best Starts for Kids Case Studies
The purpose of this case study series is to share stories and data from Best Starts for Kids partners that highlight five key themes critical to Best Starts partners, spanning all strategies: 1) leading with equity; 2) centering culture and language; 3) supporting communities that thrive; 4) building organizational and community strength; and 5) working
Evaluating Sexually Transmitted Infection Express Services
This report with NACCHO shows that express STI services increase clinic capacity, reduce time to treatment, and reduce visit time, therefore making them an important tool for increasing access and testing while maximizing available resources.
Autonomous but Not Alone: Navigating Students through Drug-Related Risk
This toolkit for school-based staff, stresses the importance of building relationships and using a harm reduction approach to help empower youth to avoid and reduce risk associated with substance misuse. Instructor-Led Virtual Training This training is on the Autonomous but Not Alone: Navigating Students through Drug-Related Risk. This toolkit for school-based staff, stresses the importance
The Case for Investing in King County’s Black-led Organizations
Over the past year, Byrd Barr Place, along with Cardea Services and Seattle Foundation, had the honor to talk with and hear from Black leaders across King County about the truth of their experiences guiding community nonprofits. We wanted to lift up Black voices and the strengths of the Black-led organizations that are providing essential
Foundations Sex Ed Report: Training-of-Trainers (TOT)
Summary of results from the Foundations national model for training and preparing trainers. Trainers will train teachers to implement high-quality sex education.
Foundations Sex Ed Report: Training-of-Educators (TOE)
Summary of results from the Foundations national model for training teachers to implement high-quality sex education.
Planning School-Based Health at Nova High School
Report: Nova High School received FEPP Levy funds for the creation of a school-based health center (SBHC), and worked with Cardea to plan their SBHC through effective stakeholder convening and feedback, synthesis of new and existing information, and developing recommendations for a model of service delivery.
Prenatal to Five Developmental Screening, Referral, and Connection to Services in King County: A Report from a Participatory Landscape Analysis
From 2018-2019, Cardea partnered with the Developmental Disabilities and Early Childhood Supports (DDECS) Division of King County and WithinReach on a participatory landscape analysis. This work was funded through the Best Starts for Kids levy, an initiative that builds on strengths of communities and families so babies are born healthy, more children thrive and establish